unique portable extinguishers | | FIRE PREVENTION | |  Aerosol Sprinkler Device |  For extinguishing all types of fires (Class A,B,C,E & F) | | SPITA fire extinguishers for active and preventive control of any incipient fire
No extinguishing damage No servicing or maintenance Contains no hazardous substances (health) ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Container is NON pressurized!!
| |  Automatic activation when a fire starts (thermal ignition) |
| | RESQ-PRODUCTS | |  |  Large range for use on all materials (including wet/dirty) | | ResQ products have been developed for quickly solving problems, malfunctions and calamities so that unnecessary additional damage or injury is prevented! ResQ-tape offers technical solutions for all leaks in pipe systems, as well as for the sustainable insulation and weatherproofing of all electrical connections. ResQ-plast is a medical product for caring of wounds and supporting joints (including during sports). | |  Available in various widths and colours. Length 4,5m or 10m (XL) |