SPITA Firefighter is a manual, portable fire extinguisher with a remarkable extinguishing capacity and is very simple to operate.

SPITA Firefighter is a small, compact, light weight device with an extended extinguishing time compared with standard extinguishers:
TYPE | DIMENSION | WEIGHT | EXTINGUISHING TIME | Professional | Length: 27cm | 300 gram | 50 – 60 seconds | Industrial | Length: 33cm | 500 gram | 95 – 110 seconds |
The upper part of the device is a metal tube containing the extinguishing charge. The lower part of the device is composed of plastic and serves as a support handle.
The most important differences with common powder/foam extinguishers are:
- causes no extinguishing damage
- not pressurized
- no hazardous materials
- environmentally safe
- no regular maintenance
- no regular testing
- up to 5 x longer extinguishing time
SPITA Firefighter extinguishes by using potassium aerosols that absorb all oxygen present in a fire very quickly. Potassium is a safe element because it is also part of our daily diet. After absorption of oxygen, the potassium aerosols are converted into potassium salt crystals, which precipitate at and next to the seat of the fire.After extinguishing the fire, the potassium residues can easily be removed with a vacuum cleaner and a cleaning cloth. Suitable for extinguishing all types of fires*: 
Class A fire solid materials | Class B fire flammable liquids |  Class C fire gasses | Class E fire up to 100kV |  Class F fire oil & fat | *with the exception of burning coal (from barbecues, for example) because coal burns in the core where the extinguishing agents cannot reach them. The flames can be extinguished, but afterwards the coals must be further cooled with, for example, water.
Due to its fast activation, response time and causing NO collateral damage during use, the SPITA Firefighter is ideal for indoor / outdoor applications such as: • KITCHENS (If a pan got burned, the kitchen itself doesn't need to be replaced after the fire has been extinguished) • OFFICE (extinguishing a burning power supply causes no damage to office furniture) • CARS (no collateral damage or corrosion to the engine or bodywork) • RV's - CARAVANS (no collaterral damage to electronics on board, furniture or bodywork) • TRUCKS (no collateral damage to cargo or bodywork) • WORKSHOPS (no collateral damage or corrosion to machines, equipment, etc.) • TELECOM & ELECTRONICS (no collateral damage due to corrosion)
• Contains no ozone depleting substances and does not contribute to global warming. • Content is not electrically conductive and has no risk of electrostatic discharge. • Does not contain steam, foam or powder which can cause (collateral) damage to expensive (electronic) equipment, furniture, interior, bodyworks, etc. • Operating temperature from -90º C up to +160º C • Can be used at relative humidity up to 98%. • No risk of corrosion or thermal shocks. • Any residues of precipitated potassium (salt) can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner and a cleaning cloth. • Not dangerous to human health (lungs) by inhaling extinguishing agent. |